Converting carbon dioxide into useful chemicals
chemical plant

Chem Plant

SPOCC Reactor

The Self-Powered CO2 Converter combines methane, CO2 and air at elevated temperature in an electrochemical reactor. Once at temperature, the reactions are self-sustaining.

Take a look to see how the technology works.


Sustainable Hydrogen

'Green' hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis is desirable, but also very energy intensive. Huge amounts of hydrogen are made by the 'grey' hydrogen route, which emits CO2. Read how the SPOCC Reactor could make this method sustainable.


Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Anaerobic digesters convert organic matter into a mixture of methane and CO2. The SPOCC Reactor can be used as part of a route to produce sustainable aviation fuel. For an explanation.


Sources of Methane

Methane is everywhere because it is released by decaying organic matter. Unfortunately, it is also a very potent greenhouse gas. The presence of vast amounts of methane hydrate below ground makes its release potentially catastrophic. The SPOCC Reactor is a potential solution to this problem.

Updating wasteful chemical processes

hurricaneClimate change matters, and outdated and wasteful chemical processes add significantly to global emissions. The processes have been refined over the years, but many were originally developed over a century ago when energy was cheap and emissions weren’t a consideration. More than a gigatonne of carbon dioxide a year can be saved by using a different approach: the SPOCC Reactor, and other fuel cell technologies. This website provides some information, but do contact Ken Omersa if you would like to know more; phone and email details are provided here.