process plant

SPOCC Reactor

Some of the largest chemical manufacturing processes result in the massive release of greenhouse gasses. Today’s problem is how to deal with them.

Our SPOCC Reactor has been designed to transform the efficiency and environmental impact of the production of hydrogen and other bulk chemicals in manufacturing plants. Our reactor provides an elegant solution to eliminating CO2 emissions, and is scalable to match large or small industrial requirements.

The SPOCC Reactor uses electrochemistry to combine carbon dioxide with methane and air at elevated temperature to produce useful chemicals. Once the reactor is up to working temperature, the reactions become self sustaining, so no external energy is needed. The technology is patented.

This is how it works:-

SPOCC Reactor reactions

Methane reacts with air in a fuel cell, and the energy produced drives the reaction between carbon dioxide and methane in an electrolysis cell.

The SPOCC Reactor makes syngas, a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which is known as a 'platform chemical' as it can be used to make a large number of other chemicals. The Fischer-Tropsch process was first developed in 1923, and this converts syngas into a wide range of hydrocarbons and alcohols. If the SPOCC Reactor is added to an existing hydrogen production plant, then a truly huge range of chemicals can be made. Refer to the section on hydrogen production.

Possible applications for the SPOCC Reactor:-

  • Using waste organic matter. This is fed into an anaerobic digester where it is converted into a mixture of methane and CO2. The SPOCC Reactor then converts this biogas into syngas, which has a huge range of uses. The section on biofuels provides more details.
  • Linked to fossil hydrogen production, where methane and steam are converted to hydrogen and carbon dioxide. That CO2 can be mixed with more methane in a SPOCC Reactor to produce syngas, a vital source of carbon for the petrochemical industry. More information is provided here.
  • Stranded natural gas assets where gas extracted in remote locations has to be converted to liquid for transportation. It often contains large amounts of carbon dioxide.
  • Natural gas power stations produce vast amounts of carbon dioxide, and obviously have a supply of natural gas.
  • Cement production requires heat to decompose calcium carbonate. CO2 is produced when natural gas is burnt to produce heat, and even more is produced when the carbonate decomposes.

The SPOCC Reactor uses electrochemistry, as it is the only way to harness the increase in entropy that the reactions involve. There are two components:-

  1. An electrolyser which reacts CO2 with methane to produce carbon monoxide plus hydrogen. This is powered by a directly linked fuel cell.
  2. The fuel cell reacts CO2 and methane with a separate supply of air. It produces carbon monoxide plus hydrogen, and also electricity and heat to power the electrolyser.

Please contact Ken Omersa if you'd like more information; phone and email details are provided here.


Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Anaerobic digesters convert organic matter into a mixture of methane and CO2. The SPOCC Reactor can be used as part of a route to produce sustainable aviation fuel. For an explanation.


Sustainable Hydrogen

'Green' hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis is desirable, but also very energy intensive. Huge amounts of hydrogen are made by the 'grey' hydrogen route, which emits CO2. Read how the SPOCC Reactor could make this method sustainable.


Sources of Methane

Methane is everywhere because it is released by decaying organic matter. Unfortunately, it is also a very potent greenhouse gas. The presence of vast amounts of methane hydrate below ground makes its release potentially catastrophic. The SPOCC Reactor is a potential solution to this problem.